Fisher T-shirt photo

Sen. Thomas Fisher dons a shirt that sparked some controversy during a legislative session on April 24, 2024, in this image capture from the 37th Guam Legislature’s YouTube channel.

A T-shirt worn by Republican Sen. Thomas Fisher with the message “Trump is a Traitor” emblazoned in bold letters sparked some drama at Wednesday’s legislative session.

The shirt drew strong condemnation from fellow Republican Sen. Telo Taitague, who deemed it inappropriate attire for the Congress Hall.

“I wore it for an absolute purpose, which is to put that message was kind of an in-your-face message, so I wasn’t entirely surprised by the reaction from Senator Taitague,” Fisher said.

Earlier, he wore a different T-shirt with the message, “Pro-America, Anti-Trump.”

Fisher said the dress code was waived for that legislative session, so he “took advantage of it.”

But at the urging of Republican minority leader Sen. Frank Blas, Jr., Fisher put on a jacket that was given to him to wear and that eventually calmed things down.

Fisher described himself as an anti-Trumpist, and views the former president as a threat to the constitution.

But Trump is the presumptive Republican presidential nominee and Fisher fully expects that the Guam delegation to the Republican National Convention later this year will be fully aligned with Trump “because the Trumpist party does not allow dissent.”

Fisher said he’s not sure how Trump supporters and non-supporters within the party will reconcile.

“At some point, Trumpism is going to be rejected. At some point, the cult of personality that is Donald Trump and Trumpism will diminish. And at some point, the Republican party, which is an important institution for the country and the American government will re-emerge stronger than ever,” Fisher said.

Fisher said he’s also not sure about what the personal political repercussions of his public opposition to Trump will mean.

“It’s country before power,” the senator said. “If I speak this truth and as a result I lose my job, so be it. That’s fine.”

In February, Fisher filed a bill seeking to keep Trump off of the 2024 Guam presidential straw poll for trying to “overthrow” the U.S. Constitution.

Although Guam residents cannot vote for president, they have participated in a straw poll for the president since 1980.

According to Pacific Daily News files, Fisher’s Bill 241-37 seeks to add to Guam law a post-Civil War section of the U.S. Constitution aimed at keeping supporters of the Confederacy from holding “any office, civil or military, under the United State, or under any State.”

That clause is a section of the 14th Amendment, but the amendment is only partially applied under the Organic Act of Guam, and does not cover the insurrection clause, according to Fisher, who is also an attorney.

The 14th Amendment is being used to argue stateside that Trump should not be included on the ballot.

(12) comments


TRUMP is going to be your next President, so get use to the idea. If it offends your small mind, good! Sleepy Joe is out!


Yes, President Donald Trump will AGAIN win, and throw out all the DIRTY trash that currently occupies the White House.


Another attempt to distract from his lack of political and personal insight.Is he trying to revive the protest movement of the Sixties?


The real threat to the constitution is the Democratic view that the government is Robin Hood. Take from the rich and give it to the poor. Poor people are poor because they CHOOSE TO BE! THEY BELIEVE THE GOVERNMENT HAS A OBLIGATION TO THEM! They don’t pay taxes, they were given a FREE EDUCATION AND CHOSE NOT TO USE IT! WE ARE ALL EQUAL, in the fact we are given an opportunity in this country to choose where we want to be in life!

Mathew P

The Senators such as Taitague who find it offensive have already made their bed with the MAGA bloc and have called other Republicans not real Republicans. So the real Republicans from Tairague's perspective are those aligned with Putin and autocracy since Trump sold secrets to Putin and is a vassal of the Russian state. They should lose their jobs this Fall as they are a danger to Guam. If you think you are shortchanged now, wait till the MAGA -- fascists -- get in. You don't count at all.


Matt, majority of the GUAM legislature over the past 30 years has been DEMOCRAT. We have DEMOCRATS now, NOTHING HAS CHANGED! Can you really say the REPUBLICANS are the problem? I think not! YOU JUST ENJOY YOUR $2000 COLA CHECKS YOU DON’T DESERVE!


Although I cannot vote, I have in the past and will do so again send my donation in show of support for President Donald Trump. Out with the current dummy self serving, self enriching family of SCUM!


Does this guy believe he is a Senator in the US Congress or a senator on an island no President has cared about? Nothing has changed in the insular cases. We still cannot vote for a US President, so who cares about what you think. Fisher you might as well wear a shirt that says Guam will capsize if a baby is born in the next two days if you want to play Mainland Politics. Stop with this Taki and do something for the poor and seniors of the island who are struggling to make ends meet. Who voted for this guy?


Right on dvcamacho, MAGA!


Tom Fisher made a legal opinion as a sitting Senator that Trump could be left off the ballot. 9 out of 9 Supreme Court Justices disagreed. Definitely TDS. I’d be interested to hear his thoughts on what Biden has done for the country. On second thought, no I wouldn’t.


Fisher suffers from TDS (Trump Deranged Syndrome)


Fisher may just has a simple case of Stu-pid, and as the sayin' goes "... u just can't fix it...

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